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Writer's pictureRoland Wollenweber

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its WTO Alignment. A Compliance Trade Analysis.

Introduction on CBAM WTO Compliance Trade Analysis :

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), an integral part of the EU's strategy for climate change mitigation, is designed to align carbon costs across borders. However, its implementation introduces complex administrative requirements, raising concerns about potential conflicts with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, especially in the areas of non-tariff barriers and trade facilitation. The following is a brief analysis about the CBAM WTO trade compliance.

CBAM’s Administrative Requirements:

CBAM mandates that importers declare emissions and purchase certificates, which involves a significant process of verifying and reporting emissions, including those from upstream suppliers. This creates a multi-layered administrative task, extending beyond the immediate parties in the trade transaction. Advances in digital reporting and verification systems may mitigate some administrative challenges, but the burden remains significant, especially for non-EU operators.

Verification of Emissions:

The necessity to verify emissions, particularly upstream, adds to the administrative burden. Importers must gather data from various jurisdictions with different legal frameworks, complicating operational procedures. Standardization of emission reporting and the involvement of third-party auditors could streamline this process, yet the fundamental challenge of extensive data collection and verification persists.

Potential Non-Tariff Barrier to Trade:

CBAM's administrative demands could be perceived as non-tariff barriers, impeding cross-border trade. This is particularly true when importers need to convince upstream installations to release data, adding unpredictability and complexity to trade operations. Recent WTO discussions have not established a quantitative threshold for when administrative requirements become non-tariff barriers, making the assessment subjective and based on the specifics of each case.

WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA):

The TFA aims to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and promote efficient trade operations. However, CBAM's requirements could be at odds with this objective. Case studies of similar mechanisms suggest that while procedural efficiency is crucial, the impact of administrative requirements on trade flow is a key factor in determining their compatibility with TFA.

Extraterritorial Reach of EU Administrative Rules:

CBAM extends EU administrative rules into other territories, which raises concerns about extraterritorial application and potential infringement on the sovereignty of other WTO member states. Diplomatic dialogues and references to international trade law precedents are critical in addressing these issues.

Verifier Eligibility and WTO Non-Discrimination:

A crucial aspect of the CBAM's implementation is the eligibility of verifiers, especially in light of WTO's non-discrimination principles. Under the CBAM regulation, the verification of emissions must be conducted by verifiers accredited in accordance with EU regulations. This presents a potential challenge for non-EU entities, particularly those from countries like the US, which may not have verifiers accredited under the EU-ETS framework. The lack of recognition for non-EU accreditation bodies and their verifiers could lead to discriminatory practices against non-EU countries, conflicting with WTO principles of Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) treatment and National Treatment. Addressing this issue is critical for CBAM's WTO compliance. The European Commission may need to establish rules or mechanisms allowing for the recognition of non-EU accreditation bodies and their verifiers, ensuring non-EU entities are not disadvantaged by the CBAM regulation. The regulation allows for such a mechanism in the relevant article for recognition of Verifiers. This alignment with WTO principles is essential to avoid potential trade disputes and ensure a fair global trading environment.

Predictability and Manageability in Trade:

WTO values predictability and manageability in trade, but CBAM introduces unpredictability, particularly due to its reliance on data that importers may not directly control. Risk assessments and adaptation strategies by businesses indicate the challenges in aligning CBAM with these WTO values.

Disproportionate Burden on Non-EU Operators:

Non-EU operators face a disproportionate administrative burden compared to their EU counterparts. This could create an uneven playing field and invite scrutiny under WTO rules. Efforts to balance this disparity are essential to maintain fair trade practices.

Legal and Political Considerations:

The potential for legal challenges within the WTO framework exists, especially if CBAM is perceived as excessive or discriminatory. The political aspects, including its extraterritorial reach, add complexity to this legal landscape.


The CBAM, while aiming to address climate change, faces significant challenges in terms of WTO compatibility. Its administrative requirements, particularly regarding emission verification and upstream data management, could be seen as non-tariff barriers. The extraterritorial application and disproportionate burden on non-EU operators further complicate its alignment with WTO principles of trade facilitation, non-discrimination, and predictability. Continuous assessment and adaptation are necessary to ensure CBAM's effective integration into the global trade system.


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